detectes and track dynamic obstacles in pointcloud
Public Member Functions | Protected Attributes | Private Member Functions | List of all members
ZR300 Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for ZR300:

Public Member Functions

 ZR300 ()
 ~ZR300 ()
void init (ros::NodeHandle &nh, ros::NodeHandle &private_nh)
- Public Member Functions inherited from datmo::cloud_segmentation
 cloud_segmentation ()
 ~cloud_segmentation ()
void init (ros::NodeHandle &nh, ros::NodeHandle &private_nh)

Protected Attributes

dynamic_reconfigure::Server< dynamic_obstacle_tracking::zr300Config > server
dynamic_reconfigure::Server< dynamic_obstacle_tracking::zr300Config >::CallbackType cb_type
- Protected Attributes inherited from datmo::cloud_segmentation
ros::Publisher pub
 publish point cloud after transforming it to base_link on topic /transformed_points More...
ros::Publisher pub_2
 Publish pointcloud with dynamic obstacles on topic /dynamic_points. More...
ros::Publisher pub_3
 Publish pointcloud with dynamic obstacles on topic /dynamic_points. More...
ros::Publisher centroids_pub
 Publish geometry_msgs::PoseArray centroids of dynamic obstacles on topic /object_centroids. More...
ros::Subscriber sub
 subscribes sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 from topic /cloud More...
tf::TransformListener listener
 A TF listener. More...
tf::TransformBroadcaster br
 TF brodcaster to broadcast relative transfom between current pointcloud and prev PointCloud. More...
tf::StampedTransform current_cloud_transform
 Container to store transform of latest pointcloud wrt /odom. More...
tf::StampedTransform ref_cloud_transform
 Container to store transform of reference pointcloud wrt /odom. More...
tf::StampedTransform prev_cloud_transform
 Container to store transform of previous pointcloud wrt /odom. More...
pcl::PointCloud< pcl::PointXYZ >::Ptr cloud_transformed
 container to store current pointcloud after transforming it to /base_link frame from /sensor frame More...
pcl::PointCloud< pcl::PointXYZ >::Ptr obj_cloud
 container to store pointcloud having both static and dynamic objects More...
pcl::PointCloud< pcl::PointXYZ >::Ptr ref_obj_cloud
 container to store object cloud to be used as reference for comparing with object cloud at current time step for octree based spatial change detection More...
pcl::PointCloud< pcl::PointXYZRGB >::Ptr occuluded_cloud
 container to store the points at current timestep that are in the areas which were occuluded in reference object cloud. (Green in colour) More...
pcl::PointCloud< pcl::PointXYZRGB >::Ptr new_discovered_cloud
 Container to store points at current timestep that are in the areas which are newly discovered. (Blue in colour) More...
pcl::PointCloud< pcl::PointXYZRGB >::Ptr filtered_dynamic_cloud
 Container to store filtered dynamic cloud (Red in colour) = dynamic_cloud - occuluded_cloud - new_discovered_cloud. More...
pcl::PointCloud< pcl::PointXYZRGB >::Ptr classified_cloud
 Container to store final classified cloud = filtered_dynamic_cloud(Red) + occuluded_cloud(Green) + new_discovered_cloud(Blue) More...
vector< pcl::PointCloud< pcl::PointXYZ >::Ptr, Eigen::aligned_allocator< pcl::PointCloud< pcl::PointXYZ >::Ptr > > sourceClouds
 vector to store the "OCTREE_WINDOW" number of obj_cloud in the memory More...
vector< tf::StampedTransform > sourceTransforms
 Vector to store corresponding Transforms of each PointCloud in sourceClouds /odom to /base_link. More...
Eigen::Affine3d odom_transform_matrix
 Container to store relative transform between obj_cloud and ref_obj_cloud. More...
Eigen::Affine3f icp_transform_matrix
int counter
string frame_id
string base_frame_id
string sensor_frame_id
 Enable use of ICP to better match obj_cloud with ref_obj_cloud : Default it is disabled bcoz of bad results. More...
 Enable use of ransac plane fitting to remove ground points : Default it is disabled for ZR300 and enabled for Velodyne. More...
 Enable voxel filter: Default it is enable for ZR300 and disabled for Velodyne. More...
 Enable Occlusion detection so as to prevent false dynamic obstacles detection due to shadow : Default it is enabled for ZR300 and enabled for Velodyne. More...
 Enable Statistical Outlier removal filter: Default it is enable for ZR300 and disabled for Velodyne. More...
float SOR_MEAN_K
 number of neighbors to analyze for each point More...
 distance in multiples of std dev after which point is considered an outlier More...
float PASS_X_MIN
 minimum value in x direction More...
float PASS_X_MAX
 maximum value in x direction More...
float PASS_Y_MIN
 minimum value in y direction More...
float PASS_Y_MAX
 maximum value in y direction More...
float PASS_Z_MIN
 minimum value in z direction More...
float PASS_Z_MAX
 maximum value in z direction More...
 This parameter defines that current pointcloud will be compared with "OCTREE_WINDOW" times previous pointcloud for spatial change detection. More...
 smallest dimension of octree leaf node More...
 Maximum distance between two points to be included in same cluster. More...
 Minimum number of points that should be present within a cluster. More...
 Maximum number points to be included in same cluster. More...

Private Member Functions

void dynamic_reconfigure_cb (dynamic_obstacle_tracking::zr300Config &config, uint32_t level)

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ZR300()

ZR300::ZR300 ( )

◆ ~ZR300()

ZR300::~ZR300 ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ dynamic_reconfigure_cb()

void ZR300::dynamic_reconfigure_cb ( dynamic_obstacle_tracking::zr300Config &  config,
uint32_t  level 

◆ init()

void ZR300::init ( ros::NodeHandle &  nh,
ros::NodeHandle &  private_nh 

Member Data Documentation

◆ cb_type

dynamic_reconfigure::Server<dynamic_obstacle_tracking::zr300Config>::CallbackType ZR300::cb_type

◆ server

dynamic_reconfigure::Server<dynamic_obstacle_tracking::zr300Config> ZR300::server

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: